Monday, June 2, 2008

Does vinegar help acne and sulfur acne lotion

Acne is one condition where people would do anything and everything to get rid of it extremely fast yet not most people are willing to change their habits. You see acne does happen out of nothing sometimes due to your hormonal changes but most of the times it's a result of our actions and habits. You see in order to truly get rid of acne fast we need to change our habits. Read on to discover some of the most extremely important tips you must follow in order to get rid of acne fast and achieve mind blowing results...
To start with, let's look at the old time favorite acne treatment method, the method of placing a towel over one's face and allowing hot steam onto the face. With a treatment option such as this, one needs to be very careful not to burn the face with scolding hot steam. The main objective with this method is to allow the front layer of the skin to shed, however one needs to be careful so as to ensure that burning doesn't occur as a result.
The most important change to make, and one that helped me get rid of the worst of my acne, is avoiding vegetable oil. For example sunflower oil is often used as a cooking oil. Which is a big no-no if you want clear skin...
tags: adult acne remedy, best acne treatments, how to get rid of acne on chest and back

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