Monday, August 4, 2008

What medicine is good for bad acne and getting rid of acne scars natural

This is the mental side of acne showing its ugly head once again. The key is to stay calm and your acne will improve. The higher levels of stress you have in your system the worse acne will get in a majority of people. So the goal and main bit of advice is to stay calm, you will notice some improvements almost immediately.
When choosing acne medicine, select one with no side effects. Medicine is intended to treat ailment as well as not to make it worse or else create fresh ones in a process. As it is true that lots of conventional medicines take their own possible risks, there are certain products that do not. It is extremely important to think any side effects before using any kind of acne medicine.
Home remedies are best remedies to cure acne. Some of the home remedies to cure acne are orange, garlic, and cucumber. Peel of orange paste applied on the affected area helps to cure pimple. Paste of fenugreek helps to cure pimples. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking at least 1 liter of water daily is also one of the home remedies to cure acne. Home remedies to cure acne have no side affects if your not having any allergic to certain fruits and vegetables.
tags: clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash reviews, eat raw almonds in acne, beef jerky bad for acne

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