Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best moisturizing acne treatment

« ...Then! Is there any way out? Well there is. Plain antibiotics won't work. You need not visit a skin-disease specialist either. And I would suggest you need not visit a doctor at all unless it is excessive. Drink a lot of water, as this would help remove the toxins from the body and finally, maintain hygiene. Avoid wearing short sleeve shirts at night because body grease from your arms can get on your face. And last but not the least just trust my words that to get rid of acne overnight, home remedies won't work in most cases unless its a healthy diet which is a good way to help cure your acne....
...Light therapy is a promising acne alternative. For many, acne is cleared up with the application of red and blue ultraviolet light for a set amount of time each day. It's possible to purchase a device online that safely emits this type of light. They cost in the range of $200. This is a less expensive alternative to attempt before visiting an esthetician who has similar, more powerful tools....»
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«...Social life goes down the drain also. If your friends call you to go out and have fun with them. Maybe to a restaurant or grab few beers. Do you have to choose between clear skin and having fun? Again a choice with no positive options....»
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tags: skin care for bad acne, acne medication chose the best for you, olive oil for acne

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